• April 26, 2021

Parternship with Kerajet

“Mesa Ceramics was the first tableware company in the world that since its creation began decorating its pieces with digital technology for both horizontal decoration (Kerajet Plates) and vertical decoration (Kerajet Bowls).

This milestone constituted a competitive advantage in the development of Mesa products that has led them to be an international benchmark today.

Mesa’s products bring innovation, creativity and originality, maximizing Kerajet digital technology and leading them to be leaders in the international tableware market.

Mesa’s relationship with Kerajet is very fluid in terms of innovation since productive needs are always raised and collaborative ties are established to consolidate new technological projects capable of revolutionizing the usual techniques of tableware decoration.

Mesa is a pioneer in the implementation of digital technology, in the development of innovative products and the establishment of challenges for the improvement of current decoration systems.

It has been a privilege for Kerajet to have Mesa Ceramics as a travel companion for their help in the standardization of digital technology as the standard method of tableware decoration worldwide.”

We would like to thank Kerajet S.A. for all the support in our continuous quest for innovative products using digital printing.